Monday, August 20, 2007

India, U.S. are pursuing same dream

An article by me published in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle today.

India, U.S. are pursuing same dream
Deepak SethGuest essayist

Post Comment

(August 20, 2007) — Aug. 15 marked India's 60th Independence Day and hence the 60th anniversary of Indo-U.S. relations — a journey marked with lots of interesting twists and turns.
It started off on a high note with the U.S, Constitution inspiring the framers of India's constitution. But then, India veered onto a socialistic path with state control of enterprises and alignment, albeit loosely, with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The United States also aligned itself with India's then-arch-rival Pakistan.

Since then, much water has flown down the Ganges and the Potomac. The United States now values India as a strategic partner. India has liberalized its economy. The two countries are on the brink of ratifying a nuclear collaboration treaty signed a couple of years ago. Some think this is due to India's growing economic clout as a nuclear power while others think it is a manifestation of America's desire to prop up India as a potential check to China's aspirations as a global superpower.

Trade between India and the United States is booming. A big chunk of Boeing's current order book comes from India. Immigrants from India founded more engineering and technology companies in the United States from 1995 to 2005 than immigrants from the United Kingdom, China, Taiwan and Japan combined. Of all immigrant-founded companies, 26 percent have Indian founders. Locally, in Rochester, India-born entrepreneurs including I.C. Shah (ICS Telecom), Dilip Vellodi (The Sutherland Group), Bal Dixit (Fireproof materials), Ram Shrivastava (Larsen Engineers) and Makhan Singh (restaurateur) have created hundreds of jobs and contributed significantly to the local economy. Indian doctors are strong pillars of the local health care system. As they have worked hard to realize their "American Dream," they have enhanced the prosperity of their adopted land. More than 2.5 million people from India now call America home.

In this era of globalization, the American Dream has become the Indian Dream. The American Dream has spread to all corners of the world due to the selfless actions of the thousands of U.S. volunteers helping with education, health care and disaster relief; the veterans who fought or gave their lives during the world wars to rid the world of oppression and tyranny; the writings of American thinkers and philosophers; American media; the American tourist and explorer who trudge the farthest reaches of the globe; the American researcher and inventor whose discoveries benefit all mankind; U.S. universities, which are a global magnet for students; and, yes, the U.S. corporation that has made the likes of McDonald's and Starbucks global icons.
India faces challenges of elephantine proportions in its march toward economic prosperity for all its citizens, but the world's largest democracy is living up to the dreams of 1947. And it is doing so in close alignment with a country that has championed democracy and freedom for more than 200 years: the United States.

Seth, of Brighton, is a native of India and member, Board of Contributors.


Speedmaster said...

Quote of the day! ;-)
"Since then, much water has flown down the Ganges and the Potomac"

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