Friday, January 5, 2018

Thank You and Happy New Year 2018 - Friends, "Followers" and Contacts!

2017 has come to a close, like any year it brought its share of joys/sorrows, successes/failures et al. 
But I am sure we emerged wiser and stronger, hopefully none the worse for being through the wringer called 2017.
2018 - awaits over the horizon with a shining glow!
Wanted to end 2017 with a warm and sincere THANK YOU! Thanks for reading my blogposts, commenting on them and sharing them with your own networks.
I am humbled by your feedback and feel privileged to be part of this virtual community of ours.
Many of you I know personally as our paths have crossed on our life and career journeys and some of you I have met via LinkedIn only. Wish all of you and yours the very best for 2018!
What a journey we went on in 2017 - Innovation, Data, Driverless Cars, APIs, Talking Toasters and Listening Copiers et al. Hope you found these useful and enjoyed reading them as much as I did writing them: 

CIOs, listen up: voice recognition meets the printer!


Why CXOs need to jump off a plane

The CIO's data dilemma: The paradox of plenty?

Cloud vs. clouds: A CIO’s conundrum

The CIO and the driverless car: Are you ready for the Transportation as a Service (TaaS) revolution?

5 Leadership Lessons from the Indian Meltdown (ICC Champions Trophy Final- Cricket)

My Copier/Toaster Knows I Am Angry!: Building Emotion AI in Devices.

Healthcare Sector and the API Economy

3 Disrupters* for the Copy/Print Industry

Let's stay engaged in 2018. You can also read my blog: SETHspeak, follow me on Twitter: @setdeep and enjoy my daily quotation share in your LinkedIn feed: #DeepaksDailyQuote.
Thanks again - you are a big part of what makes each and every day an exciting and interesting one for me.
Stay Safe, Stay Positive, Keep Dreamin' .......and be ready to greet and live 2018 with the gusto it deserves!


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Sushil YD said...

Happy New Year 2019 the first celebration of the year is just a couple of days ahead of us. And we are highly excited and going crazy about it. Of course, going crazy about it holds a lot of reasons. Like, first of all, it is the day which is a start to a new year. As well as it is the time when we do make resolutions and try our best to stick with it. In addition to that, it is another big celebration after Christmas. And we all want to party our heart out on this day.

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